The existing Camberwell Magistrates' Court building has been closed since 2020. Our proposals aim to reinvigorate the building on D'Eynsford Road by introducing new local jobs, residential homes and significant improvements to the area around the building. 

Following the first round of public consultation three major changes we have made have been to:

  • Decrease the scale of the development on the sides
  • Increase the number of family-sized homes and the amenity space available for residents
  • Negotiate an agreement to make Kimpton Road one-way, thus allowing for significant improvements to the surrounding outside public area. 

Our goal is to create a development which links the need to modernise the building while offering improved social value to the community through better facilities and an improved environment.

The whole community will benefit from the improvements outside the building. There will be wider and upgraded pavements, attractive planting including new trees and shrubs, more seating and better lighting. There will be play spaces for younger children and we are considering how we can provide creative space for teenagers.

Inside the building there will be 153 high quality homes, which will contribute towards Southwark’s housing targets. The mix now includes more three bedroom family apartments, a good level of which will be affordable. Residents will benefit from roof terraces where they can relax and socialise and an increased amount of amenity space.

The lower floors of the building will aid the regeneration of the area by including 3,350m² of space for commercial and arts activities. This space will now include a café for all to use. This will bring new jobs to the local area and complement other new build mixed-use developments nearby, contributing to the ongoing improvement of Camberwell.


The development will adopt methods designed to be sustainable.  By keeping the existing frame of the building we will lower its carbon footprint. We will encourage residents to use the excellent local public transport network, including three stations and many bus services, reducing the need for car ownership. 

The building does not lie within a conservation area, but the Camberwell Green Conservation Area boundary is located south of the site. 

We held two public exhibitions to explain the changes we have made to the scheme on 14th and 16th July at D'Eynsford TMO community room.  We also held an art workshop on 16th July where local children and young people were asked to help shape Camberwell's future by taking part in creative activities.