There is an artistic renaissance taking place in Camberwell. By working with local artists we will be supporting this. A budget will be set aside to facilitate projects with schools and youth groups, inspiring the next generation of creatives and encouraging them to express their energy. The diagram below shows how art and culture could be expressed around our scheme.


Our improvements to the outside environment will link closely with our artistic ventures. It will create space to make the area more pedestrian-friendly and a suitable location for art activities in an aesthetically pleasing environment.

The central space between the Magistrates’ Court and Camberwell Library will be an area where the whole community can relax and come together with pocket gardens and improved street lighting. The entrances to the building will be brought up to date, enticing the public in by making the building more attractive and welcoming. Our new play area will enhance life for younger children, and we are keen to hear your ideas about how we can provide creative space for teenagers. Residents will also benefit from rooftop seating and gathering spaces.